Sports people unite!!
We have clothes, accessories, shoes and many other stuffs selling online.
And now here comes your sports online shop!!
All brand new stuffs going at prices so low that you can't find it anywhere else.
Although it's a sports shop, but they do not only have sports stuffs.
Find out what else they have.
Visit now! =)
what we could have been, 7:38 AM.
This is for my friend. His girlfriend has an online shop selling gorgeous accessories!
The prices are much lower than those that you see outside in the retail outlets.
WHY WASTE TIME AND SPEND MORE MONEY?! When you can easily get elite choice of accessories off Verde and furthermore,have the postman send it right to your doorsteps.
Visit Verde Online Shop today!
what we could have been, 10:04 PM.
I know I've been neglecting my blog for quite some time already. Was too lazy and busy to update. Anyway, pictures from Punggol Beach and Scarlet Hotel is finally here! =) Pretty pretty!
Dennis: Give an expression. Think of your boyfriend.
Dennis: Wow, he must be a funny guy.

Okay, thats all the pictures for now. Shall wait patiently for the others to come!
Had 2 continuous shoots today. Was super tiring. Morning's shoot was at Punggol Beach again, with Michael. He's super nice and is a damn fun photographer! He came to fetch us at yck at 8am, and drove us to buy food after the shoot, and sent us to Punggol station after that. Cause he stayed at Punggol so it's not right to make him send us to Sentosa lah.
Anyway paid shoot at Sentosa. Everything was quite cocked up and irritating. But whatever, finished the shoot with bad sunburn, a cut on my knee and very sticky body from the salt water. Took the money and left for home.
Was so tired that I fell asleep standing on the train. -_-"
Bathe immediately after I reached home, and cooked dinner for Max darling. He came over to eat and wash the dishes for me! hehe
Talked for awhile, and he went back home.
Happy 8 months baby! I love you! =)
what we could have been, 8:40 AM.
National band Competition was yesterday.
supposed to go to band at 10am, and as expected, I couldn't wake up. And so slept till 1.30pm. Didn't feel like going already, but the thought of my darlings without the support of their own seniors made me get ready fly to school within 45
I was the only alumni flautist there and I could see that they really needed some support from their own seniors.
Well, did whatever I could, and off to
Start of competition and everything went really great. Solos were played so well and sound was brought through the hall.
Results came, and I became giddy from being too nervous, had the urge to go to the toilet. It totally felt like our own maiden
SYF. I still stayed throughout and waited patiently for their results.
79.7%. Silver. 0.3% more to a gold.
Well done
Sembwinds. I'm proud of you guys!
Do us more proud for the next
SYF. =)
Oh and I didn't mention that we had to pay a freaking 8 bucks to go into the concert area just to listen to 2 pieces. And it was SUPPOSED to be a free entry (its written on the ticket, 'FREE').
Had our shoot today at
Punggol Beach. The sun was so strong that I was
sunburned and I'm really seriously serious
da now.
Omg. Once I become tan it's really difficult to whiten again. And my shoulders hurt like shit.
Yink became black too.
Well, but the photos turned out great. It was really beautiful. Shall post some of it when the photographers sent it to me. :)
Hell boy II tomorrow!
what we could have been, 8:37 AM.

This picture is nice.
Shall update more on National Band Competition tml.
Too tired now.
what we could have been, 11:15 AM.
What my name means... Quite interesting. :)
X = You never let people tell you what to do.
U = You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
E =You are a very exciting person.
T = You have an attitude, a big one.
I =You are always smiling and making others smile.
N = You like to work, but you always want a break.
G = You have excellent ways of viewing people.
what we could have been, 9:46 AM.
School is boring as usual. But today I waited and looked forward to the ending of school more than usual. :)
My friend came to fetch my home today after school, on his BIKE!
Okay, I know that may sound like a loser to some of you, but I was so frightened that my head started spinning literally the moment he drove out of school.
And throughout the ride, I could feel my helmet and bag threatening to fly away from me but I was just to afraid to take my hands off his shoulder to hold on to my bag and helmet.
The wind were just blowing straight at me and I couldn't even open my eyes.
And when I alighted from his bike, my legs were all jelly.
First experience on a bike and it was a cold, windy, scary but great ride. Hahaha.
Reached home, got myself ready and started doing my 蓝鼻子. I did it so slowly that when I was finally done with it, it was already past midnight.
But it turned out so beautiful! And sad to say I broke a small part of it. It's not obvious though. :)

My mum attempted to make the background look nicer by holding a blue cloth against the wall, but....
she failed badly. LOL Apparently the cloth is too small for my 蓝鼻子.
Well, I'm done with my blooging for the day! Looking forward to my shoot tomorrow. :)
what we could have been, 9:58 AM.
I happened to chance upon this girl's blog, the girlfriend of the SAF man who died in Brunei.
http://memyselfmine.blogspot.comI'm in school and I cannot start to cry now. It's just too painful to continue reading her blog even though I don't even know her. I can feel the pain that she's going through now cause I felt the same way 3 years ago; the lost of a loved one.
what we could have been, 4:53 AM.
Mondays are movie days and Thursdays are gym days.
My mole dropped off! LOL and what's left behind that still can't bear to leave my face is a brown dot. I will not miss you, my mole. :) Goodbye byebye forever.
Went to support darling's game today. And SCC won 3:1! Maybe it's because of me that darling scored. =x
Had dinner at the nearby coffeeshop that sells delicious raw fish. Obvoiusly I had my raw fish and also favourite stingray. It's so spicy that my lips were burning even before we finished the meal. :(
Anyway, some pictures for today. I wore my sexy bright pink shirt that made Max's nose bleed. :x

I look pregnant here. :D
He looks like a drug addict. I'm his addiction. :)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Take care!
what we could have been, 9:10 AM.
I've got tons of random photos in my com.
This post is going to be super random.
Went for western food at some random coffee shop at Serangoon the other day. The food is not so nice, but there's really alot of people willing to queue and wait years just for that plate of meat to be served.
I had black pepper steak as usual, and Max had his black pepper chicken chop.

Doesn't look too appetizing too, does it. My steak is too hard, and I didn't like it. :(
Was supposed to have received the pictures from our Double O night, but I don't know what took so long.
Anyway, me, Yink, Anthea, Yuanshan, and Michelle had great fun! Drank 2 Tequila shots each (minus Anthea), had 8 Sex on the Beach together, a jug of screwdriver and a apple shooter each (minus Anthea again). Super cool!
And one angmoh was dying to buy us drinks. I made him pay for our apple shooters which is freaking $13.50 each! He bought us 5.
Before that, I had donuts after dinner with Max. This is so delicious. Couldn't remember where I bought it from though. I totally love the double chocolate. =D

Remember the other time I went to Malaysia for the traditional Thai massage? The clothes that I have to change into is enormous! I looked so fat if you don't look at my tiny hands.

We were given some tea to drink during the "cooling down" session.

And after that, went for some shopping and back home. Saw something really cool on the way back to the custom.
You will never see this in Singapore. Hahaha! It's really ALOT!!
And the following pictures are taken really long ago. So long that I couldn't even remember what were we doing there.
Ghost of you
And ghost of me

It's really a little scary right.
Accompanied Yink to see her eye specialist with yuanshan yesterday after school. And obviously we skipped NE again.
Fortunately or unfortunately the clinic was closed for their dinner break and we had to wait till 7pm. So we went to walk around while waiting for yuanshan.
Saw a beauty salon providing mole remover at a super low price. Decided to try it out. They use laser to burn your mole away. It's a little painful and really very scary cause the object makes soft sizzling sounds when it touches your face. But it's worth the experience. LOL

The mole is still on my face now, and I have to wait for about 3 days for it to fall off by itself. Only removed 1 for now just to try it out. If it's good, I might remove all 3. I don't like moles. =(
After Yink's eye consultation, went to the toilet at AMK hub before going home. Saw this on the door of the cubicle.
Click where?
We had an inside joke, and even came up with an advertorial and model. However, model made some special requests and I'm definitely not good at photoshop. Didn't want to waste my time doing something that will definitely be rejected.
Alright, this post is going to end with a picture of my new, but now edited ugly hair.

what we could have been, 9:06 AM.
Met Yink for lunch yesterday after lesson and went to her house to visit Horlicks. He's not so naughty already, as compared to last time when we just bought him. He's so cute! He follows me everywhere I go, even to the toilet! Lol
Alright, anyway was supposed to watch Material Girls on Yink's lappy, but somehow we got distracted and went to look for jobs instead.
Found a guy doing TFCD shoots, added him on MSN and chatted till Max and Sean end work and the both of us went to meet them.
Ate at AMK food court and off to our movie!
Wanted is sooooo nice!

It's just totally cool how they curve the bullets and make it go in circles to kill people. The whole movie is full of deception.
I know I always say every movie is a must watch. That's because I only go to movies that are nice. So this movie is also a MUST WATCH!!
Night classes are tiring and boring. I finished my lab exercise early today and ended up playing online games. And miraculously I managed to clear the levels that I couldn't when I was playing at home. Is that good or bad. :(
Today's presentation was a screw up. Did quite badly cause I totally had no preparation for it. Oh wells...
Off to my DVDs again! :D
what we could have been, 3:59 AM.